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Freshly caught prawns cooked to perfection glazed with a sweet, sour with a little hint of naughty kick in there. The star here is always the prawn but the sauce is the wing man. The sauce propels this dish to heaven, perfectly eaten with some rice or noodles, it will keep you coming back for more.

A simple tomato based sauce spiced with some siracha, bound together with some aromatic garlic and sweetened by the green bell peppers. This is a perfect marriage of ingredients united by fresh coriander to give the entire dish life.


  1. 16 Tiger Prawns

  2. 2 Tomatoes

  3. 1 Green Bell Pepper

  4. 4 Cloves of Garlic

  5. 2tb of Tomato Ketchup

  6. 1tb of Siracha

  7. 1tb of Oyster Sauce

  8. Fresh Coriander


  1. Peal and devein your prawns if they have not been done so already.

  2. Peal and mince 4 cloves of garlic, slice up 2 tomaotes into wedges and 1 green bell pepper into 1-inch bite size pieces.

  3. In a pan on medium high heat add in some oil and gently give your prawns a quick fry. Just enough for them to change colour, should take no more than a minute.

  4. Set your prawns aside and in the same pan fry up your garlic. Once fragrant add in your tomatoes and bell peppers.

  5. While it is steaming in a bowl combine 2tb of tomato ketchup, 1tb of siracha and 1tb of oyster sauce. Mix till well combined.

  6. Add the mixture into your pan and stir till well combined. If it appears a bit dry add some water.

  7. Cover with a lid once again and let it simmer away on medium low for another 2-3 minutes till the sauce is thick and fragrant.

  8. Taste the sauce and season with salt and pepper if needed.

  9. Add in your prawns, stir it in and let it simmer for no more than a minute. Serve and enjoy with some freshly chopped coriander.

Enjoy it over a bowl of white rice and you got yourself a great meal. Happy Cooking.



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