What is Korea without Kimchi? It is a staple in many of their traditional dishes, it is so common to find it in all their meals as a side dish. It is usually made out of Napa cabbage, radish, some carrots and fused together with the red hot chili flake known as Gochugaru.
Here we learn the most basic kimchi, it is a great introduction to fermentation and a great dish to make for any meal. So get your jars out and clear out a shelf because your whole kitchen is going to smell like kimchi soon.


Now who doesn't like a good old fashioned pizza? The lovely fluffy yet crispy garlic infused crust, with just that little hint of marinara tomato sauce that you love. You can't forget the most sinful thing of all, the cheese. The cheese that will leave you coming back for more and more.
No more dominos, no more pizza hut, no more papa johns. This time you become your own pizza chef, it is time you get your hands dirty. It is time for you to truly enjoy the art to making and eating pizza.

How to Make Da Pizza
Measure out 250ml of plain luke warm water and add in 7g of dry active yeast, giving it a nice stir and let it bloom for 5 minutes.
In a large bowl sieve in 3 cups of plain flour, 1 tb of olive oil and slowly mix in your yeast mixture. Gently mix till a rough dough forms then turn it out onto a lovely floured work surface and begin to POUND at your dough, slowly KNEADING it till it is nice and smooth. Should take your about 10-15 minutes.
3 Cups of Flour (All Purpose)
250ml of Water
7g of Yeast
Olive Oil
1/2 Can of Tin Tomatoes
Mixed Italian Herbs
Choice of Cheese
Choice of Toppings
Dough Baby
Now you should have a nice smooth ball of dough and a pair of super RIPPED forearms. Gently oil a bowl with olive oil and drop your dough baby inside and cover with a damp kitchen towel and allow to prove for 2 hours.

Knock the air out and give it a small gentle MASSAGE then allow to prove and rest for another 30 minutes.
Tomato Sauceeee
In a pot on medium heat add in 1/2 a can of peeled plum tomatoes.
Using a fork, spoon, knife, whatever you wish VIOLENTLY Stab the little tomatoes till smooth.
Add in a little bit of mixed Italian herbs and let the sauce gently simmer for 5-10 minutes.
Salt to taste and set it aside.
Its Time.....
Taking out your perfectly plum and smooth, soft but still slightly firm dough baby separate it into 4 equal parts.
Wrap 3 in plastic wrap to be stored in the fridge or frozen for another pizza-less day.

In a baking tray gently oil the base and sides and begin to slowly stretch your little baby to the corners of the tin. Sprinkle a little salt over and you are ready.
Spoon a little bit of your tomato sauce over leaving a bit of the edge to form a crust and begin to shred some cheese (I went with mozzarella and cheddar) and your toppings of choice.
With a brush gently brush the crust with a little bit of olive oil.
In a preheated oven at 210◦c place your pizza inside for 10-12 minutes or till the cheese it lovely and gooey and the crust is nicely browned and cooked.
Serve and now you are your very own pizza chef.
Top whatever you like on top. Fold some cheese into the crust to make cheeze stuffed crust. Do what you like, it is yours to create.
Happy Cooking