What is Korea without Kimchi? It is a staple in many of their traditional dishes, it is so common to find it in all their meals as a side dish. It is usually made out of Napa cabbage, radish, some carrots and fused together with the red hot chili flake known as Gochugaru.
Here we learn the most basic kimchi, it is a great introduction to fermentation and a great dish to make for any meal. So get your jars out and clear out a shelf because your whole kitchen is going to smell like kimchi soon.

Aglio Olio

The oily pasta; a super simple pasta for those on the move, cooked in 10 eaten in 5. A super yummy healthy and not to mention vegetarian? With a little kick from the chili, a small hint of garlic and onion you got yourself a winner.
The one very few pasta dishes that can be cooked super quick and easy with minimal clean up and packed filled with layers of flavour leaving you full and craving for more.

How to make the Oily Pasta?
1/4 Onion Diced
1 Clove of Garlic Diced
1 Small Tomato Diced
Mushrooms Diced
Chili Flakes
Herbs of Choice
2tb of Olive Oil
Pasta of Choice

Begin boiling your pasta (YOU ARE ON A TIME CHALLENGE HERE).
In a pan on medium heat add in 2 table spoons of olive oil.
Once the oil is hot add in your onions, chili flakes and mushrooms and fry till cooked.
Add in your minced garlic, chopped tomatoes, olives and any herb of choice (I went with Mix Italian Herbs).
Once the oil is all aromatic and smelling like HEAVEN, hopefully your pasta is done too add your pasta to the mixture, cut the heat and coat evenly adding salt and pepper to taste.
Plate check the TIME.
ENJOY and rush back to WORK.
EXTRA: Add a lovely grating of cheese over your pasta for extra yum yums. Add in chicken or shrimp for that extra shot of protein but this will compromise your time by 5 minutes.